About Us

About Us

The Evangelistic Centre, although an autonomous church, is a member of a wider assembly of churches which comprises the Grenada District (The Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies). Grenada District (PAWI) is led by a local Presiding Bishop.

Our Vision

At Evangelistic Centre we see people thriving holistically and abundantly, glorifying God with God-centred living

Our Purpose Statement

To walk obediently in and demonstrate a pioneering witness of the truth of the Gospel and the
love of God

Our Mission

To proclaim the transforming power and truth of the Gospel to our nation and other nations of the

Our History


Our assembly was birthed in 1961 when a 27 year old minister of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, Rev. Jack Keys answered the call of God on his life and in his own words “packed up his children, wrapped up all church business” and “coped with the upheaval of being transferred to Grenada”. Rev. Keys became the founder and first pastor of the Evangelistic Centre, the evangelical church in the middle of the capital St. George.


In 1964, as Jack Keys moved on, came Rev. Jeremiah Prescod, a Tobagonian by birth, and a man who was to be the first Caribbean pastor of our assembly. Rev. Prescod’s pioneering years of 1964-1966 here at the Market Hill assembly, ushered in a period of growth, with many souls added to the Kingdom. During this time, our church building at Market Hill, St. George’s was extended into a two-storey facility, with an upper level to house the minister and rooms below to accommodate Christian Education. In 1966, Rev. Prescod left the Evangelistic Centre to fulfill God’s wider mandate on his life and to go into global Missions, with extensive ministry on the continent of Africa.


Two other ministers of the Gospel gave spiritual guidance to our assembly at Market Hill during the period 1966-1976. Reverends Edwin King and John Baisden pastored the Evangelistic Centre for the years 1966-1969 and 1969-1976 respectively.


Significant among the foundational leaders at Market Hill was Pastor Thomas Welch and his wife Angela. The Welches were the under-shepherds of our assembly for some eighteen years, following directly upon the ministry of Pastor Baisden. Pastor Welch, or “Tommy”, as he was affectionately known, gave yeoman service to ‘Market Hill’ (as it has come to be known) and for several years within his eighteen-year tenure, gave leadership at the national level as Superintendent of the Grenada District. During this period, the Evangelistic Centre acquired other church property, inclusive of a building and land that would be the ‘Parsonage’ for many years to come. This was located at Archibald Avenue, St. George’s. In 1994, the Welches migrated to Canada where Rev. Welch continued in pastoral ministry for many years before returning to Grenada.


Following the Welch’s departure, there was an interim period of two years when our assembly remained without a resident pastor. We were overseered by the Superintendent/Bishop of our fellowship (Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies – Grenada District), supported by a co-ordinating board of lay-members.

Our Leadership Team

Bishop Christopher Baker

Reverend Christopher Baker, a Grenadian by birth, is a man called to full-time ministry by the Lord Jesus Christ, just over thirty-nine years ago. Rev. Baker benefitted from an early spiritual formation within a small, rural community church in Grenada, moving on to become the Senior Pastor of the Evangelistic Centre, a ‘town’ church located in the centre of the capital, St. George’s. With a record of some two decades of unbroken pastoral service at this assembly, Rev. Christopher Baker now leads there a growing, leadership team comprising both full time ministers and church departmental heads.

Rev. Baker is the holder of a Master’s Degree of Divinity from the Miami International Seminary, in collaboration with the Grenada Institute for Theological Education and was Valedictorian of his graduating year group in 2022. He is also a 1986 graduate of the West Indies School of Theology (WIST), Maracas, St. Joseph, Trinidad, the premier training institute of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies. In addition, Rev. Baker pursued study with the internationally celebrated John Maxwell ‘Equip Leadership Training Programme, graduating as a Certified Leadership Trainer in 2018. Reverend Baker is both a great student and teacher of the Word of God, renowned for his wielding of that Word in pulpit ministry. He remains a lifelong and ‘life-wide’ learner, with proven areas of mastery and passion being Leadership Training, Doctrinal Truth and the Generational Transfer of Truth and Practice, in a twenty-first century setting.

At a national level, over the past twenty-five years, Rev. Baker has served in a variety of capacities on the Grenada National District Executive, overseeing the more than twenty churches of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies (PAWI), Grenada. He has held unbroken service as Grenada’s National District Bishop (2002-2010) a position he was returned to in more recent time (2020). This was for a two-year term and in March 2022, Rev. Baker was given the mandate once more, to lead the Grenada District for a new four-year term (2022-2026). Previous leadership positions held at the National Executive level of the PAWI in Grenada include: ‘Treasurer’, ‘Man-at-Large’ and ‘Assistant District Bishop’.

When Bishop Baker is not at work, toiling in the vineyard of the Lord, you will find him reading, gardening or even fishing. He loves travelling, as well, and is an ardent fan of indoor games such as billiards and bowling. He remains the husband of one wife, Patsy Baker, a father of two and a grandfather of one. He will confirm to you that his life’s pursuit is simply to be an obedient, servant-leader of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Evangelist Brian Worme

Evangelist Brian Worme is a Grenadian, by birth, coming from a family of seven children. Growing up in a Christian home, Brian felt the call of God upon his life, at the very young age of five. He has been doing ministry for the past 33 years which began at his home church at the age of twenty one (21), recognizing that he had been called to the work of Evangelism.

As an Evangelist, Br. Worme has spent his formative years doing ministry across Grenada, seeing the favour of God on his ministry, as scores of souls have come to Jesus, being healed, delivered and set free from the powers of darkness. Over time, God’s ministry in Brian’s life has taken him to the neighboring islands of St.Vincent, Trinidad, St. Kitts, Montserrat, Antigua, Guyana and to the far-off continent of Africa. These ministry journeys have borne much fruit, with men, women and children coming to know Jesus as Lord and Savior, and being delivered from diverse, physical and spiritual conditions.

Evangelist Brian Worme now holds the full-time position of Evangelist at the Evangelistic Centre, Market Hill, St. George’s, Grenada, member church of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies. Brian’s ministry there involves winning the lost, deliverance, healing, counseling and breaking into what he knows to be “dark places”.

Close to Brian’s heart has been the statement of Jesus in Matthew 11:12 which reads as follows: “And from the time of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.”

Evangelist Worme is married to his lovely wife, Gemma of some thirty four (34) years and is the proud father of three children.

Pastor Isiah St. Rose

Pastor Isiah Emanuel St.Rose is a Trinidadian by birth and Grenadian by decent. He currently serves as assistant pastor at the Evangelistic Centre (Market Hill Pentecostal Church), member church of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies International (P.A.W.I). Pastor St.Rose has been a committed Christian since 2007, the year he was water baptized after being influenced by his mother.

As a former member of God’s Lighthouse, Vincennes Pentecostal Church, he was actively
involved in pulpit ministry, youth leadership, music, and community service. Rev. St. Rose is apt in teaching God’s word and is a fisher of men. One of his mantra is “Die pleasing God.” As such, he offers insights to persons with the aim of helping them to achieve same. He believes that humans can literally live the way God wants mankind to live. He is passionate about holiness; good humanitarian relationships; transformative lifestyles; and having moral, ethical, and spiritual authority that govern life.

Pastor St. Rose holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies in Bible and Theology and Pastoral Studies from the West Indies School of Theology (W.I.S.T) where he graduated with honours in 2019. He is currently part of two mission teams in Trinidad that conduct ongoing mission trips regionally and globally.

Pastor St. Rose is originally from Toco Bay, Windsor Forest, St. David. He is a jovial extrovert, who connects with people very easily. He believes in putting a smile on people’s face and a good laughter in their soul. He loves his wife Melissa, his daughter Elysia, and the rest of his family with exceeding measures. He is an avid player of sports namely, football, cricket, athletic, basketball, pools, and would accept the challenge of learning any other. He loves to go fishing both in the river and in the sea, and enjoys making traditional kites at Easter. Pastor St. Rose has a very deep appreciation for cuisine and would try many recipes and ideas to improve his culinary skills.