Our History
Our assembly was birthed in 1961 when a 27 year old minister of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, Rev. Jack Keys answered the call of God on his life and in his own words “packed up his children, wrapped up all church business” and “coped with the upheaval of being transferred to Grenada”. Rev. Keys became the founder and first pastor of the Evangelistic Centre, the evangelical church in the middle of the capital St. George.
In 1964, as Jack Keys moved on, came Rev. Jeremiah Prescod, a Tobagonian by birth, and a man who was to be the first Caribbean pastor of our assembly. Rev. Prescod’s pioneering years of 1964-1966 here at the Market Hill assembly, ushered in a period of growth, with many souls added to the Kingdom. During this time, our church building at Market Hill, St. George’s was extended into a two-storey facility, with an upper level to house the minister and rooms below to accommodate Christian Education. In 1966, Rev. Prescod left the Evangelistic Centre to fulfill God’s wider mandate on his life and to go into global Missions, with extensive ministry on the continent of Africa.
Two other ministers of the Gospel gave spiritual guidance to our assembly at Market Hill during the period 1966-1976. Reverends Edwin King and John Baisden pastored the Evangelistic Centre for the years 1966-1969 and 1969-1976 respectively.
Significant among the foundational leaders at Market Hill was Pastor Thomas Welch and his wife Angela. The Welches were the under-shepherds of our assembly for some eighteen years, following directly upon the ministry of Pastor Baisden. Pastor Welch, or “Tommy”, as he was affectionately known, gave yeoman service to ‘Market Hill’ (as it has come to be known) and for several years within his eighteen-year tenure, gave leadership at the national level as Superintendent of the Grenada District. During this period, the Evangelistic Centre acquired other church property, inclusive of a building and land that would be the ‘Parsonage’ for many years to come. This was located at Archibald Avenue, St. George’s. In 1994, the Welches migrated to Canada where Rev. Welch continued in pastoral ministry for many years before returning to Grenada.
Following the Welch’s departure, there was an interim period of two years when our assembly remained without a resident pastor. We were overseered by the Superintendent/Bishop of our fellowship (Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies – Grenada District), supported by a co-ordinating board of lay-members.